Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tiny, wee blankies make it all better

Hi peeps,

Today was a bit bleugh. I was tired, feeling flat, uninspired. There were lots of boring chores to do like washing and cooking dinner.  I was annoyed at myself as I could have done some sewing.  I should have done some sewing.  I have no idea what I did much of the day, I hate feeling like I have wasted a day.  I do remember reading Zoe books, that was lovely.  It involved cuddles and sloppy toddler kisses.

I am feeling tired and flat today. 

I can say though, that 5 minutes of sewing at 5pm made it all feel right again.  Two teeny tiny little strawberry blankets later, and I was feeling better already.  Oh, and so many lovely words from my Instagram friends made a big difference too (thank you lovelies!)

Wee little blankies are a great use of fabric scraps from the Strawberry dress, I say! Perfect for little girls Sylvanian Families animals. Sweet dreams, little critters.

Sweet dreams to you too.  Cat.

PS: Creative Spaces has moved.  Pop over here to see our new home. 


  1. Oh Cat, this is just waaaay to cute! I love it! I used to have Sylvanian Family figurines as a little girl and was thrilled to discover they are back in vogue. It took all of my self control not to buy up a whole bunch of them at our local toy shop recently. And having boys, they're not really in to that type of thing unfortunately. I can see myself started my own little collection before too long.
    Hope tomorrow is a better day, though it sounds like you took some positives out of today anyway xo

  2. *starting* my own collection... proof read, proof read!

  3. They're adorabubble, Cat!! Trust you to line the bitty blankies with fleece! Nice touch.

    Hope today was muuuuuuch better. I hate those boring chorey days. x

  4. I have many days where I feel that I have accomplished nothing, yet am still exhausted! Amazing how therapeutic sewing can be and wonderful that it can provide some actual visible proof that something was in fact accomplished! Unlike clean clothes, floors, etc that are dirty again within minutes!!


Thank you for your comments. I always try to reply back to you and/or check out your blog, but some days this is not possible. Nice to meet you. Cat