Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Snowman

Happy snowman

Yesterday I received the Christmas edition of Tickle the Imagination magazine in my inbox.  I knew straight away that I would be making a snowman that day.  And I did.  Even after I realised I had no white felt in my stash, I was not deterred.

I raided my scrap box and found some linen scraps (left over from making Abbey's kinder blanket)

I used blanket stitch around the edge of the linen and hope this stops it from fraying.  I will be making a few more of these, I am sure.

Have a great day.



  1. The blanket stitch is inspired in white as it looks like Santa's beard.

  2. Oh he's just gorgeous Cat! And so nice to see the festive spirit kicking off... I wasn't really in blogland over Christmas last year, but feel I am in for a treat with all the amazing talent around the place, this year.
    You are so clever to whip that up just like that! xo


Thank you for your comments. I always try to reply back to you and/or check out your blog, but some days this is not possible. Nice to meet you. Cat