Thursday, June 5, 2014

A very loverly quilt

A loverly Quilt,1. 

 Hello peeps,

Earlier in the year I was asked by the lovely Cat from Wouldn't it be Loverly if I would consider making a custom quilt for her husband's 40th birthday.  I was flattered that she would ask (I've only finished 3 quilts so far), I consider myself a beginner quilter.   But.....I do love a good challenge and I want to improve my piecing and quilting, so I said yes (with much excitement) 

Strips, collage 

 Cat lives in Australia and I live in Hong Kong.  This whole quilt has been designed through the internet, with the help of email, instagram and pinterest (quilt design was inspired by this quilt)


I love the colour palette Cat chose - it is so different to my usual approach of use all the colours, all at once.

Quilting the night away.

How wonderful is the solid navy blue binding?  At first I was unsure of this, but Cat knew what she wanted, and I was quickly converted to see how it works perfectly.

Binding time.

I loved this quilt right from the start, and fell deeper in love with it the more I sewed and the more time I spent with it.


It was such a pleasure to make this quilt.  It warms my heart knowing that Cat and her husband and their children will be snuggled under it for years to come.


It washed up beautifully, looking nice and quilty and snuggly (and very, very wonky, but wonky is good)

Yes, it is HUGE.

Ta da!  All finished.

It is much bigger than my Grandma's quilt.

Thank you Cat, for trusting and believing in me, that I could make the quilt that you wanted.  I loved working with you.

Now, some time soon,  I probably should finish the three other quilts I have started.

Have a great day.

Cat xox


  1. Oh, Cat, and loverly it is! Gorgeous, gorgeous quilt! I love the fabrics used, the shapes and lay-out and yes, the navy binding puts such a nice touch on it: fab job!! xx

  2. I LOVE it! So glad you left me a note so I could pop over and see your gorgeous quilt. ;)

  3. Your quilt is beautiful! I have also been contemplating making something inspired by Beth's quilt that I saw on Pinterest. I was curious if you or anyone else had any tips or tutorials you could recommend for piecing the angled pieces. Did you do it somewhat randomly or did you have them cut perfectly to form straight edges when sewn together? (hoping this question makes sense)

    1. Hi Kasey,
      I made it up as I went along! I drew the angled pieces on paper in many different sizes, to find the best angle and size. I made a template to help with cutting my fabrics, and just went ahead and cut as many as I needed. I did not change the slope of the angle from left to right - I kept them all the same to make it easier for me, I'm still quite new to quilting.
      Once they were all cut out, I arranged them to how we wanted them, then sewed them all together. When sewing the angled seams together, you cant have them matching perfectly, they need to be off-set a little. I hope this makes sense.


Thank you for your comments. I always try to reply back to you and/or check out your blog, but some days this is not possible. Nice to meet you. Cat