Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Champagne, roast lamb and more traveling

I am home safely after a weekend away.  No Shropshire boy and no little girls.  Just me - and I loved it!  I headed back to my home town of Melbourne for a long weekend.  There was still lots of junk in our garage and it had to be sorted and removed before our new tenants could move in.

I must say a HUGE thank you to my mum, step-dad Steve and my bestie Nell for all their help on the weekend.  I would never have gotten the garage emptied and cleaned in 2 days if it was not for their help.  Mum and Nell helped sort and cull junk, Steve made a trip to the tip, mum swept the house, the garage and the front path, Nell took things to the oppy, Steve took me and a small trailer load of things to Abbey's old kinder.  Steve fixed a few more things in the house.  They cooked me yummy meals and delicious puddings.  Mum made the best ever slow cooked roast lamb I have ever eaten.  I was driven to the bank,  the supermarket and to see my Grandma.  I was quite spoilt. It was a lovely surprise my trip coincided with the Eltham Market, I was able to get Zoe some hand made presents for her upcoming birthday (in case I run out of time to make her anything)

Best ever roast lamb

It is so rare to spend time with my mum, Steve or Nell without my girls.  I had a wonderful time.  We could talk and finish conversations - all of them - as there were no little girls interrupting us.  Of course, I missed my Shropshire boy, Abbey and Zoe.  It was worthwhile going away just to see the beaming smile on Zoe's face when I got home to Hong Kong and to have Abbey throw her arms around me and tell me she missed me.

Yes, please!

To top it off, I flew both ways in business class.  So luxurious and so much more comfortable.  Lovely champagne.  Drinks in glasses and not plastic. Metal cutlery. More room.  I was lucky enough to get the very last seat in business class on the way back to Hong Kong and I got quite a lot of sleep on this flight.  This flight went so quickly and to top it off, my two bags were number one and number six out at luggage collection.

Now I can really say I am in no hurry to travel again soon.

Have a lovely day peeps, Cat

1 comment:

  1. How amazing to have the opportunity to pop back for a weekend and get the comfort of business class! I have to travel to Taiwan for my son's wedding at the end of the year and I'm not looking forward to being in cattle class for nearly nine hours.


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